Besides talking to my fav security experts on the podcast, I’ve also been curious with what CISOs have been up to lately. Afterall they have the difficult job of keeping an organization’s network and data safe and secure. Plus, they tend to always be a few steps ahead in their thinking and planning.
Besides talking to my fav security experts on the podcast, I’ve also been curious with what CISOs have been up to lately. Afterall they have the difficult job of keeping an organization’s network and data safe and secure. Plus, they tend to always be a few steps ahead in their thinking and planning.
After a few clicks on Twitter, I found a CISO at a predictive analytics SaaS platform who published a security manifesto. His goal was to build security awareness into every job, every role, and to give people a reason to choose the more secure path.
Another CSO at a team communication and collaboration tool company stressed the importance of transparency. This means communicating with their customers as much as possible - what he’s working on and how their bug bounty and features work.
As for what CISOs are reading and sharing, here are a few links to keep you on your toes and us talkin’: