State of Cybercrime

A Spotlight on Technology's Dilemma

Episode Summary

There’s a yin and yang to technology. For instance, the exchange for convenience and ease with our data. Unfortunately Facebook is getting most of the blame, when many companies have collect many points of data as the default setting. Meanwhile, as quickly as diligent security pros are eager to adopt and advance security solutions with biometrics, cybercriminals are equally determined to thwart these efforts. We take a look at technology's dilemma in this episode of the Inside Out Security show. Other articles discussed: • Google’s plan to mitigate bias in their algorithm • Australia approves bill, requiring tech companies to provide data upon request

Episode Notes

There’s a yin and yang to technology. For instance, the exchange for convenience and ease with our data. Unfortunately Facebook is getting most of the blame, when many companies have collect many points of data as the default setting.
Meanwhile, as quickly as diligent security pros are eager to adopt and advance security solutions with biometrics, cybercriminals are equally determined to thwart these efforts.
Other articles discussed:
• Google’s plan to mitigate bias in their algorithm
• Australia approves bill, requiring tech companies to provide data upon request