State of Cybercrime

Changing User Behavior

Episode Summary

Summer is approaching, and of course, that’s when we feel the most heat. However, for cybersecurity managers, they feel the heat all the time. They must be right every time because cybercriminals only have to be right once. So summer can potentially feel like it’s year-round for cybersecurity pros and it can cause job burnout. Another problem that managers face is the potential ineffectualness of cybersecurity awareness training. Learning and sharing interesting security information in a class is really wonderful and expansive for a user’s mind. However, if it doesn’t change a user’s behavior and he continues to click on links he shouldn't be clicking on, training might not be as helpful as it claims to be.

Episode Notes

Summer is approaching, and of course, that’s when we feel the most heat. However, for cybersecurity managers, they feel the heat all the time. They must be right every time because cybercriminals only have to be right once. So summer can potentially feel like it’s year-round for cybersecurity pros and it can cause job burnout.

Another problem that managers face is the potential ineffectualness of cybersecurity awareness training. Learning and sharing interesting security information in a class is really wonderful and expansive for a user’s mind. However, if it doesn’t change a user’s behavior and he continues to click on links he shouldn't be clicking on, training might not be as helpful as it claims to be.

Other articles discussed:

Tool of the week: - simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.

Panelists: Cindy Ng, Mike Buckbee, Kris Keyser, Kilian Englert